Friday 26 June 2009

Reflection of Kyoto

On day four our trip started with the travel to Kyoto. My first impression of Kyoto is that it is more relaxed in comparison with Tokyo. Also there are much more tourist on first sight.

We started our study trip in Kyoto at Kyocera. For me this was a bit disappointing as I thought that we would visit the company, but we just visited the museum of Kyocera. It was interesting to walk through and read what they all do (as this is really a lot) but I was very interested to see how business in Japan goes.

The next day we visited the Kyoto museum for World Peace. I found this museum much more valuable and impressive than our visit to the Yushukan museum. As this was not only the focus of Japan, but a more global view. Also there was more visualizing in my opinion. But what really struck me was the connection with Anne Frank and this museum. Anne Frank is a Dutch Jewish girl who wrote a diary during the World War II as she was living on an attic in Amsterdam hiding from the Nazi's. Everyone in The Netherlands has read this book and knows her story. For me this was really stricking to see the bond between Japan and The Netherlands.

After the visit we had a lunch with students from the Ritsumeikan University. For me this was really a high light, as this was my first opportunity to have a good and real conversation with Japanese students. After lunch we attended a class, very interesting as we had discussions about peace museums all around the world.

In the evening we had dinner with the director, professors and staff of the University in a real Japanese restaurant. While sitting on the ground, pooring each other glass with beer (you're not allowed to fill your own glass) trying various nice Japanese meals (the table was filled with different bites). A real great experience.

Our last day in Kyoto was about sight seeing. We started at the Nijo Castle. A very beautifull ancient Japanese building where we had to walk around on our bare feets. The garden around this castle looks amazing, it's a real Japanese garden but when you look at the pictures I took it all looks fake. It's so beautifull that it looks like you're watching a fake picture or drawing. After lunch we went to do The Philosopher's walk (tessugaku-no-michi). This is nice path were you can walk very quitly and enjoy the views.

We ended the day by walking through the Gion district where Gheisa's can been seen. We had dinner with some friends from our translator who also arranged Karaoke after dinner. The dinner was again Japanese, sitting on the floor, pooring each others glass and eating what you dare to eat. No really, it's a great experience and I enjoyed the food. To end the day we went to the Karaoke bar, for me this is real new experience which I will not tell my friends:-)

We were in room with each other, all sitting around a table and staring at the TV. The 2 microphones were busy through the two hours and Yes, even I did my best. It was a night I will never forget.

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